Installing the extension

  1. Download the extension from this website.
  2. In your website administrator, navigate to Extensions -> Manage -> Install.
  3. Click on the Upload Package File tab.
  4. Drag n Drop your file to the upload area, or else click on the Browse button, select your downloaded extension file, and click Open.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete.


Access Security

Change the Logs button Location

  1. Navigate to Extensions -> Modules.
  2. Change the location dropdown from Site to Administrator.
  3. Locate the O3 Logview module and click the title to edit.
  4. Change the Position dropdown to the desired position.
  5. Click Save & Close.

Make Use of Joomla Updates

  1. To make use of the Joomla Updater to get extension updates, click the Download Ids menu on the right side menu of this website.
  2. If you have a Download Id for your target website already, then copy it, otherwise generate a new Download Id which will become associated with your target website, once used.
  3. In your website, navigate to Extensions -> Plugins, and locate the O3 Licence Manager plugin.  Select its title to edit.
  4. Enter your Download Id in the textbox.
  5. Click Save & Close.
